Kevn Leigh to speak at Royal Town Planning Institute Event

Kevin Leigh, Head of the Planning, Property, and Environment Group will be speaking at the Royal Town Planning Institute South East, Rural Planning (South East) event on Wednesday, 04 March 2020. His talk will be entitled: What is the role of planning in the rural areas? 

This event will look at the association between our ever-changing planning system and the future of the countryside. Speakers will explore the effective integration and balancing of economic, social and environmental factors in promoting sustainable development of our rural areas.

Kevin will be discussing the case of Sam Smith Old Brewery -v- North Yorkshire County Council, the recent decision of the Supreme Court concerning: (a) openness in the green belt; (b) the relevance of visual impact under the NPPF as a material consideration - in particular whether it is a specific material consideration as a matter of law. 

Confirmed speakers are:

Chair: Angela Moore, Horsham District Council

Tom Ormesher, National Farmers Union South East

Kevin Leigh, 33 Bedford Row;

Turley Olivia Wojniak, Reading Agricultural Consultants;

Georgina Timmis, ECOSA Ltd;

Rob Bourn, Orion Heritage.