Dr S Chelvan Joins Rachel Cooper on Family Law Week Weekly Podcast: a Surrogacy Week Episode Discussing the Case of H v UK

Dr S Chelvan, Head of Immigration and Public Law at 33 Bedford Row is welcomed onto the Family Law Weekly Podcast by podcast host, Rachel Cooper. 

This week is Surrogacy Week and the Dr Chelvan discussses the very improtant case of H v UK (Application No: 32185/20).

This is a case about a child's Article 8 ECHR right to have her biological father named as her father on her birth certificate rather than the husband of her surrogate mother (per ss. 35 & 38 HEFA 2008). The matter came before the domestic Courts was heard before Lieven J in July 2019 ([2019] EWHC 2095 (Admin)) 

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