Olivia Beach secures support for street homeless child under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989

Through judicial review proceedings, Olivia succeeded in securing her client support in the form of accommodation from the London Borough of Camden.

Olivia’s client, MR, was a street homeless 17 year old. Both of his parents died when he was young. His relationship had broken down with his brother to the point he could no longer live with him; he had refused foster accommodation due to the trauma he experienced being around a family following the death of both of his parents, and he had no alternative accommodation available to him.

Urgent interim relief was secured requiring the London Borough of Camden to accommodate MR within 24 hours to prevent him from being street homeless any longer. The interim order decision is accessible here.

During the course of proceedings, the London Borough of Camden agreed to provide support to MR under Section 20 Children’s Act 1989.

Olivia was instructed by Lawstop.