Sapna Shah and Lara Hicks Published in the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

Chambers would like to congratulate Lara Hicks and Sapna Shah who have been published in the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

"The Pro Bono Recognition List is a new initiative that recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance over the previous calendar year.

This year was the first year that the Recognition List was published and saw a total of 3,760 barristers and solicitors recognised, 476 of whom are barristers. It’s excellent to see so many members of the Bar going above and beyond to provide pro bono assistance to those who would otherwise have to face the legal system alone – congratulations and thank you for making a huge difference to access to justice." - Advocate

Lara is a sought after civil practitioner with a wealth of experience in dealing with property and shipping related disputes, in particular. 

Sapna is a family law barrister of 15 years’ experience specialising in aspects of private children law and financial relief. 

Congratulations to both on being recognised for their pro bono advice and representation, assisting those who might not otherwise receive legal help. 

You can see the Recognition List in full here.