Dermot Flanagan SC, a member of Arbitrators@33BedfordRow, has become judicial chair to Sports Dispute Solutions Ireland ('SDSI'). SDSI has been established by the Federation of Irish sport to promote the use of mediation and arbitration to resolve sports related disputes in Ireland.
The judicial chair has a number of responsibilities including:
(1) advising the SDSI Secretariat if a dispute referred (or proposed to be referred) meets the criteria to be determined under the SDSI Rules and framework;
(2) to appoint as necessary an arbitrator(s) / mediator to a dispute from the SDSI Panels;
(3) to provide ongoing support to the appointed arbitrator(s) and mediators on the interpretation of the SDSI Rules up to the conclusion of the relevant arbitration / mediation;
(4) to monitor the quality of the decisions of arbitrators; and
(5) to co-ordinate appropriate training sessions for Panel members, subject to Board approval.
Mr. Flanagan will continue to practise as an arbitrator and mediator, including in sports related disputes outside the Republic of Ireland.
Enquiries as to Mr Flanagan's availability can be made to the clerk to Arbitrators@33BedfordRow, Mark Byrne, by telephone on + 44 (0)20-7242 6476 or by email to