Emma is a criminal practitioner. Her practice involves predominantly serious sexual offences, including historic offences, those alleged on family members and extremely young children, as well as offences involving the use of violence, and repeated allegations from a relationship. Emma routinely cross-examines young or vulnerable witnesses, and conducts pre-recorded cross-examinations. She has experience making applications to adduce previous sexual history where relevant and appropriate, and dealing with allegations made by multiple complainants.
Emma also deals with cases involving homicide or serious violence, and large drugs and firearms conspiracies.
Emma has experience representing clients with vulnerabilities and additional needs, as well as advancing issues such as insanity, fitness, and modern slavery.
Emma is a Grade 4 prosecutor on the CPS General Crime Panel and RASSO Panel.
Criminal Appeals
Call July 2011 – Gray’s Inn
Bar Professional Training Course (Outstanding) – BPP Law School (2010 – 2011)
Graduate Diploma in Law (Distinction) – BPP Law School (2009 – 2010)
BSc Environmental Geography (2:1) – University College London (2006 – 2009)
Cynthia Terry Award – Gray’s Inn (2009)
'Money not power - UK AML/CTF Action Plan comment' written with Jason Mansell (Money Laundering Bulletin: April 2016)
SFO ‘self-funding’ and government handouts: ethical and constitutional? (CrimeLine, May 2013)
The National Crime Agency: a new weapon in the legal armoury, or just another change of letterhead? (The Barrister; CrimeLine; May 2013)
Please read the following information carefully. This privacy notice contains information about the information collected, stored and otherwise processed about you and the reasons for the processing. It also tells you who I share this information with, the security mechanisms I have put in place to protect your data and how to contact me in the event you need further information.
Who Am I?
I collect, use and am responsible for personal information about you. When I do this I am the ‘controller’ of this information for the purposes of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
If you need to contact me about your data or the processing carried out you can use the contact details at the end of this document.
When carrying out the provision of legal services or providing a reference I collect some or all of the following personal information that you provide:
The same categories of information may also be obtained from third parties, such as other legal professionals or experts, members of the public, your family and friends, witnesses, courts and other tribunals, investigators, government departments, regulators, public records and registers.
I may use your personal information for the following purposes:
If I have been instructed by you or on your behalf on a case or if you have asked for a reference or have applied for a mini-pupillage or pupillage, your personal information has to be provided, to enable me to provide you with advice or representation, or the reference or to consider and process your application, and to enable me to comply with my professional obligations, and to keep accounting records.
I rely on the following as the lawful bases on which I collect and use your personal information:
If you are a client, some of the information you provide will be protected by legal professional privilege unless and until the information becomes public in the course of any proceedings or otherwise. As a barrister I have an obligation to keep your information confidential, except where it otherwise becomes public or is disclosed as part of the case or proceedings
It may be necessary to share your information with the following:
I may be required to provide your information to regulators, such as the Bar Standards Board, the Financial Conduct Authority or the Information Commissioner’s Office. In the case of the Information Commissioner’s Office, there is a risk that your information may lawfully be disclosed by them for the purpose of any other civil or criminal proceedings, without my consent or yours, which includes privileged information.
I may also be required to disclose your information to the police or intelligence services, where required or permitted by law.
Sources of information
The personal information I obtain may include information which has been obtained from:
Transfer of your information outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
This privacy notice is of general application and as such it is not possible to state whether it will be necessary to transfer your information out of the EEA in any particular case or for a reference. However, if you reside outside the EEA or your case or the role for which you require a reference involves persons or organisations or courts and tribunals outside the EEA then it may be necessary to transfer some of your data to that country outside of the EEA for that purpose. If you are in a country outside the EEA or if the instructions you provide come from outside the EEA then it is inevitable that information will be transferred to those countries. If this applies to you and you wish additional precautions to be taken in respect of your information please indicate this when providing initial instructions.
Some countries and organisations outside the EEA have been assessed by the European Commission and their data protection laws and procedures found to show adequate protection. Most do not. If your information has to be transferred outside the EEA, then it may not have the same protections and you may not have the same rights as you would within the EEA.
I may transfer your personal information to the following which are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA):
If I decide to publish a judgment or other decision of a Court or Tribunal containing your information then this will be published to the world.
I will not otherwise transfer personal information outside the EEA except as necessary for providing legal services or for any legal proceedings.
If you would like any further information please use the contact details at the end of this document.
I will normally store all your information:
As explained above, I am relying on your explicit consent to process your information in relation to particularly sensitive information. You provided this consent when you agreed that I would provide legal services/you asked me to provide a reference/ applied for mini-pupillage or pupillage.
You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, but this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing activity I have carried out prior to you withdrawing your consent. However, where I also rely on other bases for processing your information, you may not be able to prevent processing of your data. For example, if you have asked me to work for you and I have spent time on your case, you may owe me money which I will be entitled to claim.
If there is an issue with the processing of your information, please contact my clerks using the contact details below.
Under the GDPR, you have a number of rights that you can exercise in certain circumstances. These are free of charge. In summary, you may have the right to:
If you want more information about your rights under the GDPR please see the Guidance from the Information Commissioners Office on Individual’s rights under the GDPR.
If you want to exercise any of these rights, please:
I will respond to you within one month from when I receive your request.
The GDPR also gives you the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners’ Office if you are in the UK, or with the supervisory authority of the Member State where you work, normally live or where the alleged infringement of data protection laws occurred. The Information Commissioner’s Office can be contacted at http://ico.org.uk/concerns/.
I do not intend to process your personal information except for the reasons stated within this privacy notice. If this changes, this privacy notice will be amended and placed on the website.
This privacy notice was originally published in August 2019 and last updated in February 2020.
I continually review my privacy practices and may change this policy from time to time. When I do it will be placed on the website
If you have any questions about this privacy notice or the information I hold about you, please contact me or my clerks.
The best way to contact me is to write to me at my Chambers address of 33 Bedford Row Chambers, 33 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4JH or contact my clerks by email at clerks@33bedfordrow.co.uk or by telephone on 020 7242 6476.
Emma Scott is a self-employed barrister regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
Emma is registered with the Information Commissioner (reference: ZA243041).
Emma holds professional indemnity insurance with Bar Mutual.
Emma does not accept direct access cases.