Dr Francis Graydon

  • Year of Call 2007


Francis has a diverse and overlapping practice that incorporates the following general and specialist areas:

Originally called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in 2007, Francis dual qualified as a solicitor-advocate in 2012 before returning to the Bar in 2013.

Francis’ practice expertise has developed not only while he has been practising at the Bar in London and throughout the country, but also from his professional experience working as a solicitor with a national law firm in London, Birmingham, and Nottingham.

His unique and diverse practice profile makes him extremely versatile, in both advising clients and representing them in court. He is equally experienced and comfortable bringing and defending claims and applications. He receives instructions to represent claimants and applicants as well as defendants and respondents alike.

Francis is known for being approachable, down to earth, and giving sound practical advice to clients. 

He is particularly sought after where sensitivity and understanding are required by solicitors and lay clients alike. This is especially the case where he is instructed in coroners’ inquests to represent the family of the deceased.

As a highly experienced and accomplished advocate, he brings an extensive range of oral and written advocacy experience and expertise to each of the cases that he is instructed on. This is a particular strength in his practice that he continues to actively develop. He employs a meticulous approach in his case analysis and case preparation and frequently relies on analytical skills he acquired as as research scientist. 

Francis’ advocacy experience is particularly extensive. It is drawn from continuous instructions and appearances in trials, hearings, and appeals in the County Court, High Court, Coroner’s Court, Senior Courts Costs Office, as well as the Employment and First-Tier Tribunals and disciplinary hearings.   

With this significant advantage, he is very familiar with the different advocacy approaches required in different tribunals. He always strives to be clear, concise, and pragmatic in his approach where ever he appears. He is a robust and tenacious advocate when the occasion demands it.

Before the Bar

Francis has considerable international experience in the applied neurosciences.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Francis trained and practised as a research neuroscientist in Canada, Japan and the United States. 

His last faculty appointment (2002-2005) was to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience at Wayne State University Medical School in Detroit. There he was also research director of the Emerging Technology Research Division (ETRD).

In this role, he used neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, MEG, EEG) to investigate human learning, memory, and decision making in applied settings. He collaborated with partners in the automotive, aerospace, and defence industries including General Motors, Ford, NASA, and the National Defence University.

Francis trained at several internationally renowned medial centres including the Institute of Psychiatry (Kings College) in London, and the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Manhattan (City University of New York).

He completed his doctoral training and expertise in neuroimaging and learning at the internationally recognised Robarts Research Institute in the University of Western Ontario Canada.

His expertise allowed him to collaborate in Japan with the Japan Science and Technology Agency and the ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratory in Kyoto.

In addition to publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, Francis has presented research papers in neuropsychology and neuroscience at national and international fora and conferences.

Before pursuing a research career, Francis was recruited to work with the London Metropolitan Police Service. He served both as an operational and specialist police officer.

During this time he acquired considerable experience of police procedures and practices as well as the techniques and methodologies used in the investigation of a range of complex offences. 


Francis has an expanding High Court litigation practice, and his practice encompasses areas such as property, breach of contract , as well as breach of statutory duty in the full range of commercial settings.

In addition to substantial experience in both the High Court and the County Court, Francis is regularly instructed to provide written advice at the pre-issue stage, and through every stage of litigation. He often represents clients at hearings for orders for pre-action disclosure, security for costs, summary judgment and/or strike out.

Francis also has solid experience drafting documents for and representing those seeking or defending emergency injunctions at short notice.

Francis has a friendly and approachable manner with clients and easily distils large and complex information into layman's terms. He thrives when undertaking convoluted cross-over points of law. His understanding of different legal aspects of common law results in strong legal arguments and a high success rate.


Coroner's Inquests

Francis is very experienced appearing in the coroner’s court and has been instructed on a broad range of cases over his career. 

He has an in-depth understanding of the inquest process and the sensitivities that are required throughout. He has extensive experience advising witnesses (summonsed to give evidence) and the challenges they face as the inquest proceeds.

His scientific background is a particular advantage in cases where there is significant medical evidence across different specialist areas.  

Francis has been instructed not only to represent the families of the deceased at inquests throughout the country but also by other interested persons including NHS Hospital Trusts and local authorities. 

Francis has specific experience and expertise representing interested persons at inquests involving

Francis also has experience of  inquests where Article 2 of the ECHR is engaged. He is especially interested in those inquests inquiring into


Professional Discipline and Regulation

Francis advises and acts for both regulators and registrants in regulatory and disciplinary proceedings across a number of professional disciplines and sectors.

Francis is regularly instructed as a presenting officer by several regulators.

He is also instructed to act and advise in a broad range of regulated professions including

He has considerable experience of appearing in both substantive as well as interim hearings.

Personal Injury

Francis acts for Claimants and Defendants at all stages of minor to more serious personal injury claims.

He has considerable experience representing claimants and also defendants at costs and case management hearings.

He is especially experienced in fast track and multi track trials of claims arising from the full range of injury settings. These include

He has particular experience of both bringing and defending claims where there are allegations of

Francis has developed a specific interest in cases involving Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and brain injury with behavioural and cognitive impairment. 


Data Protection and Information Technology Law

Francis is developing specific expertise within the growing area of data protection and information technology law. 

He is available to advise individuals, companies, and public sector clients on a range of areas now included within this fast moving and burgeoning specialist area including


Francis is instructed on a wide range of real property matters. These include advising and representing clients in the following areas:

In some areas, Francis has advised from the initial dispute stage and with the commencement of proceedings through to appeals that have followed to the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Clients include private and social landlords, councils, mortgage lenders, and individuals.

Landlord & Tenant

Francis' experience in this area compliments his practice in the area of property.

Here he is instructed in proceedings involving residential and commerical disputes. 


Francis has wide ranging experience of contractual disputes and proceedings across a range of industry sectors. These include

He has been instructed on a wide range of contractual matters with varying complexity.

He advises and represents both companies and individuals in interim hearings through to trial.

Clients include companies, individuals, insurers, and loss adjusters.

Direct Access

Francis is authorised by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to undertake instructions directly from individuals and organisations (Direct Public Access).

He is also authorised by the BSB to conduct litigation should this  become necessary.

Francis has wide ranging experience representing individuals, organisations, and companies on the direct access scheme in the

In order to instruct Francis or discuss any instruction through direct access contact the clerks by phone or email.

 +44 (0) 20 7242 6476


Arbitration & Mediation

Francis has a growing mediation practice.

He is available for general instructions in especially in any of his practice areas. 






Awards & Prizes

Scholarships and Awards in Law            

Scholarships and Awards in Psychology and Neuroscience


Professional Memberships


ARTICLES AND PAPERS IN LAW                      

Information Law 

 1. A brief critical analysis of the Online Harms White Paper 2020 (2021)

Data Protection Law

1. Can a cashless society be compatible with data protection? (2021)

2. Can the use of Facial Recognition Technologies (FRTs) in law enforcement be compatible with data protection? (2022)

Law of Robotics and the Regulation of Autonomous Systems

1. Road traffic accidents involving semi-autonomous vehicles: advising an injured pedestrian on liability under the Automated and Electric Vehicle Act 2018. (2021)


Information Law

1. The cancel culture wars: social justice response or attack on free speech?

February 2021 University of Edinburgh

Data Protection Law

2.  Automated vehicles and data protection, where do we go from here?

November 2021 University of Edinburgh

Cyber Security

3. “Be careful what you click”. How to avoid phishing emails and what to do in response.

March 2022 University of Edinburgh


1. Cortical activation during menopausal hot flashes

Freedman, R., Benton, M., Genik, R., Graydon, F (2006). Fertility and sterility. 85. 674-8. 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2005.08.026.

2. Mind-on-the-Drive: Real-Time Functional Neuroimaging of Cognitive Brain Mechanisms Underlying Driver Performance and Distraction

Young, R., Hsieh, L., Graydon, F., Genik, R. et al., (2005) SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-0436.

3. fMRI investigation of cortical and subcortical networks in the learning of abstract and effector-specific representations of motor sequences.

Surampudi, B., Miyapuram, K., Graydon, F., & Doya,K. (2006). NeuroImage. 32. 714-27. 10.1016 j.neuroimage.2006.04.205.

4. Cognitive avionics and watching spaceflight crews think: Generation-after-next research tools in functional neuroimaging.

Genik, R., Green, C., Graydon, F., & Armstrong, R. (2005). Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. 76. B208-12.

5. Learning-related fMRI activation associated with a rotational visuo-motor transformation.

Graydon, F., Friston, K., Thomas, C., Brooks, V., & Menon, R. (2005). Brain research. Cognitive brain research. 22. 373-83. 10.1016/j.cogbrainres.2004.09.007.                                                                                

6. Visual event detection during simulated driving: Identifying the neural correlates with functional neuroimaging.

Graydon, F., Young, R., Benton, M., Genik, R., Posse, S., Hsieh, Li., Green, C. (2004). Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 7. 271-286. 10.1016/j.trf.2004.09.006.

7. Neuropsychological Outcome and the Extent of Resection in the Unilateral Temporal Lobectomy.

Graydon FJ, Nunn JA, Polkey CE, Morris RG. Epilepsy Behav. 2001 Apr;2(2):140-151. doi: 10.1006/ebeh.2001.0163.PMID: 12609198

Teaching Experience

Francis has extensive experience teaching law, psychology and the neurosciences.



Francis is a very experienced advocacy trainer.

He regularly delivers advocacy and communication courses to law firms in the City of London and at other regional centres throughout the country.

He is also very experienced at delivering advanced advocacy courses ('Higher Rights') that are designed to prepare lawyers for the Solicitors Regulatory Authority’s (SRA's) qualificationin Higher Rights of Audience.

In addition to delivering the Higher Rights course, Francis also conducts the formal practical assessment of candidates pursuing the SRA advocacy qualification.

Francis also contributes to teaching advocacy to Bar students at Inner Temple.



‘Francis is articulate, direct and gives sound advice.’ Legal 500 - 2025