Eorann O’Connor represents man acquitted of non-fatal strangulation, controlling or coercive behaviour, and assault

Eorann O'Connor defended a man accused of non-fatal strangulation, controlling or coercive behaviour, and two counts of assault by beating. The offences were said to have been committed against his wife during the course of their marriage. The Crown relied inter alia on the complainant’s live evidence and photographs of injuries. 

Eorann made a successful submission of no case to answer in relation to the controlling or coercive behaviour count, and a not guilty verdict was directed. The trial continued on the remaining counts, lasting 8 days. At conclusion, the defendant was unanimously acquitted of non-fatal strangulation and one count of assault by beating. He was convicted of the other count of assault by beating. Eorann was instructed by Jamie Dickson of Mary Monson Solicitors. The trial took place at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court.