Eorann is a junior barrister specialising in criminal law. Her practice centres on criminal defence. A formidable opponent in the service of her clients, Eorann’s practice combines meticulous case preparation with tenacious advocacy and excellent client care.
Eorann read Classics at Cambridge University where she was awarded the Jasper Ridley and Walter Headlam academic prizes. Prior to joining the Bar, Eorann practised as a solicitor with expertise in immigration, international protection, human trafficking/modern slavery and related public law challenges. As such, she has highly developed skills representing the most vulnerable in society.
Notable Cases
R v KS – Isleworth Crown Court: Sexual Assault, Breaches of a Non-Molestation Order – KS faced trial on indictment for three counts of sexual assault and breaching a non-molestation order. The case involved analysis of cell site evidence and call data. The complainant was KS’s ex-partner and gave live evidence. Following a five-day trial, the Jury returned not guilty verdicts on all counts.
R v MA – Wood Green Crown Court: Affray, Criminal Damage – The offending was alleged to have taken place on Cricklewood Broadway, involving the use of weapons, including fire extinguishers. Members of the public witnessed the incident, which was captured on clear mobile phone footage. Trial centred on issues of self-defence and lawful excuse. MA was unanimously acquitted by the Jury.
R v JN – Isleworth Crown Court: Dangerous Driving, Driving Whilst Disqualified – A high-speed police pursuit through residential areas culminating in a crash and decamp. Issue for trial was identification. Two police officers gave evidence at trial, both identifying JN as the driver of the car during the chase. JN was acquitted by the Jury following a four-day trial.
R v HC – St Albans Crown Court: Possession of a false identity document with improper intention – Police stopped HC on the motorway whereupon he produced a counterfeit Spanish driving licence. Issue for trial was knowledge or belief that the document was false. Unanimous acquittal.
R v RM – Canterbury Crown Court: ABH x 2, Stalking, Threats to Kill over a three-year period in a domestic context – Following Defence legal submissions on admissibility of hearsay evidence, the Crown offered no evidence resulting in not guilty verdicts entered.
R v SJ – Inner London Crown Court: Assault on Emergency Worker x 2 – Eorann drafted a Defence Case Statement and Section 8 application for specific disclosure, whereupon the Crown offered no evidence resulting in not guilty verdicts entered.
R v CW & Anor – Holborn Crown Court: Robbery – A joint enterprise street robbery. CCTV and Ring Doorbell footage captured the incident and aftermath. CW accepted the physical elements of the robbery were made out, but denied acting with dishonesty. Hung Jury.
R v X – Medway Youth Court; Certificate for Counsel: 16-year-old youth facing serious Class A drugs supply matters and possession of criminal property. Investigated under Operation Orochi, X was alleged to be operating a drug line supplying heroin and crack cocaine in the Medway Towns. X ran a modern slavery defence. At trial, Eorann cross-examined a police witness, revealing deficiencies in the police investigation, and called evidence from a modern slavery expert and psychologist to support the defence case. X was acquitted of all charges.
R v X – Ealing Youth Court: 17-year-old youth acquitted following trial of Possession of Class A drugs with Intent to Supply following successful defence raised under s.45 Modern Slavery Act.
R v AH – Inner London Crown Court: Fraud – the Defendant, a Finance Officer of a charity, pleaded guilty to defrauding his employer of £163k. Suspended sentence imposed following extensive mitigation.
R v AG – Isleworth Crown Court: Possession with Intent to Supply Class A drugs. The Crown ascribed a Significant Role. The Judge accepted Defence submissions on Lesser Role and imposed a suspended sentence.
R v EG – Maidstone Crown Court: Possession with Intent to Supply Class A drugs. Suspended sentence imposed for young adult, despite Probation assessment that the Defendant’s risk was unmanageable in the community and recommending custody.
R v X – Stratford Youth Court: Possession with Intent to Supply Class A drugs, Possession of Offensive Weapon – The Crown offered no evidence following Defence Case Statement advancing defence under s.45 Modern Slavery Act.
R v AF – Isleworth Crown Court: Appeal against Conviction and Sentence – successful s.78 application to exclude police roadside interview on the basis of breach of PACE Code C, resulting in the Appeal being allowed.
“…The case had a number of issues that were navigated by Miss O'Connor with professionalism, grace and great skill…At key stages of the case, Miss O'Connor faced adversity and at every one of those stages steadfastly represented her client to the very best of what are her considerable abilities. She has a deft court room manner and judgement that cannot be taught…” – District Judge
“… I was assisted greatly by Ms O’Connor’s well-researched skeleton argument, which thoroughly analysed the legal issues, applying the unusual facts of this case to the law. Her oral submissions were similarly well crafted and confidently presented…” – Crown Court Recorder
Criminal Bar Association
London Irish Lawyers Association
The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn