

Instruct Us

Welcome to the 33 Bedford Row Portal for International Clients

Members of Chambers welcome instructions from companies and individuals based outside England and Wales. All our barristers are qualified in the law of England and Wales and some are qualified in additional juridictions. 

Many of our barrister accept instructions direct from companies and individuals, without the need for referral through a UK solicitor. Without the need for the solicitor acting as an intermediary, your relationship is directly with the barrister. 

Amongst other things, our barristers can provide the following services:

  • Specialist advice and guidance on English law, whether on substantive law, procedural law or practice; members can also act as expert English law witnesses in overseas courts;

  • Specialist advice and assistance in the preparation of litigation or in a non-litigious context.

  • European Community and International Law, including Human Rights law;

  • Specialist advice and assistance on the drafting, interpretation and enforceability of contracts governed by the law in England and Wales, or the laws of other common law countries;

  • Arbitration services in England and Wales and in most other jurisdictions;

  • Mediation and other alternative dispute resolution services (as mediators, advocates or advisers);

  • Specialist advocacy services before European and international courts and tribunals.

Chambers has a growing presence in international and cross border work and undertakes criminal, commercial or chancery work where appropriate. Chambers is well placed to recommend leading counsel if so advised.

33 Bedford Row International

While members of Chambers welcome instructions from anywhere in the globe,  Chambers has developed particular connection with 3 overseas juridictions, for which Chambers operates a 'Desk' for each. These are the China Desk, India Desk and Polish Desk. Please click the relevant link on the left hand side for further information.

China Desk   India Desk    Polish Desk

Other Jurisdictions

Other Members of Chambers undertaking civil and commercial work are dual qualified in other jurisdictions. Please contact our clerks for further information about your particular situation.


33 Bedford Row has barristers fluent in French, German, Spanish, Greek, Hindi, Pubjabi, Urdu, and Polish. 
  • Έχουμε δικηγόρους που μιλούν άπταιστα Ελληνικά.

  • 我們有律師能說流利的粵語

  • 我們有能說流利普通話的律師

  • हमारे पास ऐसे वकील हैं जो स्पष्ट हिंदी बोल सकते हैं

  • ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਅਜਿਹੇ ਵਕੀਲ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਅਮੀਰੀ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਬੋਲ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ

  • ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਅਜਿਹੇ ਵਕੀਲ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਸਹੀ ਉਰਦੂ ਬੋਲ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ

  • ہمارے پاس وکیل ہیں جو بہاؤ اردو بول سکتے ہیں

  • Dwoje z Adwokatow w naszym zespole mowi biegle po polsku

  • Se nur frua homaro ne havis timon konstrui la Turo de Babel en Shinar kaj ni ĉiuj parolis Esperanton!

  • Do'Ha' tlhIngan wej jatlh maH. 'ach avid fans Hov trek.

Early Instruction

In the case of anticipated litigation in the courts of England and Wales, it is highly recommended that you contact a barrister first if you are a foreign lawyer or business based abroad. A member of Chambers will be able to give you an initial assessment of your case at very competitive rates and advise on the most suitable firm of solicitors to use if you wish. Barristers deal with many dozens of firms of solicitors and know their strengths and specialist areas. They cannot receive any financial inducement for such a referral.
Further details may be obtained from our clerks, who will be pleased to answer your questions and help identify your requirements. Please telephone 0044 207 242 6476.