Court of Protection

Court of Protection

Court of Protection


The Court of Protection is the division of the High Court that deals exclusively with Mental Capacity Act 2005,

Our team can advise and represent at all stages where financial or healthcare decisions need to be made. (inc welfare, financial issues, the deprivation of liberty (DoLS) safeguards, medical treatment)

Our team regularly represnet claimants, family members, and local authorities:

Recent cases involve:

  • Property and Financial Affairs Deputies (inc Sale of property)
  • The appointment of Welfare Deputies
  • Statutory Wills
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) 

Useful links of Court of Protection cases.

For further information please contact Senior Civil Clerk, Mark Byrne on 0207242 6476 (Direct Line :0207 421 5568) Mobile: : 07985 615 215 / 07931 231 321 email:



Court of Protection Barristers