


Members of 33 Bedford Row offer a range of expertise and experience at all levels of call to meet client needs for advice at the early stages, through to drafting, and advocacy in all criminal matters in all courts from first appearance through to appeal in appropriate cases.

Members of our criminal team have been involved in cases of the upmost gravity and in high profile cases. Some members are dual qualified enabling them to work in multiple jurisdictions. The team are highly regarded within the criminal field both as prosecutors and defenders. As well as acting for lay clients throughout England and Wales the criminal team also act on behalf of requested persons in international extradition proceedings.

Chambers has a recognised expertise (both civil and criminal) in asset forfeiture, money laundering and cases involving Proceeds of Crime and allied matters. We are well placed to deal with cross-over work as these issues overlap into both civil and family based claims.  We are also able to offer advocates at all levels including those with the highest level security clearance.

Chambers also offers criminal expertise in the following areas:

  • Bribery and Corruption;
  • Criminal Asset Forfeiture;
  • Defence;
  • Drugs;
  • Financial Crime & Fraud;
  • Murder & Manslaughter;
  • Prison and Parole Board Hearings;
  • Prosecution;
  • Road Traffic & Motoring;
  • Sexual Offences;
  • Violent Crime.

In some cases members of the public can now access the services of a Barrister within the Crime team directly via the public access scheme without having to instruct a solicitor or other intermediary.  While a barrister would be able to deal with most aspects of the case, you would have to assist in some limited areas, generally with correspondence and filing documents with the court. Public access is available in all types of work that barristers can do, except for work funded out by legal aid. One advantage of the public access scheme is that it could potentially save you money whilst giving you access to the Bar, as you would be paying for a barrister only instead of a barrister and solicitor. It is most likely to be suitable for reasonably straightforward cases. If you would like to instruct a member of the Criminal team via this route then please contact the clerks to discuss your requirements and they will assist you in finding the right barrister.
