Child Arrangement

Child Arrangement


If a relationship breaks down, one of the issues that can often arise is where the children should live and how much time the children should spend with the other parent. In the event that the parents are unable to agree on this important issue and there has been an application to the Court for a Child Arrangements Order (formerly known as 'Residence' and 'Contract' orders), our family barristers can help.

The Child Arrangements Order can govern, amongst other things, the details of whom the children will live with and with whom the children will spend time. At 33 Bedford Row Chambers our barristers are very experienced in representing the various parties in these private law proceedings. We can offer advice and representation at court. Our excellent barristers represent parties at all stages of these proceedings including in any subsequent enforcement proceedings.

Members of chambers have a strong reputation for providing sensible and sympathetic advice in private law proceedings.

Child Arrangement Barristers