
About Us


Chambers Outreach reflects its core values

Chambers is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing a num­ber of organ­i­sa­tions believ­ing the bar and the legal pro­fes­sion to be a pow­er­ful dri­ver of change. We are par­tic­u­larly com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing char­i­ties which work with the less priv­i­leged pro­vid­ing pro-bono advo­cacy sup­port where appropriate.

Access to Justice and Equality and Diversity

Members of Chambers took part in and supported the great “London Legal Walk” in 2011, 2015 and 2017, raising money for various legal charities.

Richard Cherry continues to take time out from his busy practice to participate in evening advice sessions at both North Kensington Law Centre and Waterloo Legal Advice Service.

Members volunteer to give advice and other support to clients referred to Chambers by the Bar Pro Bono Unit.

The Head of Chambers is on the Bar Council list of approved speakers to talk to at state schools and colleges about a career at the Bar and life as a working barrister. The purpose of these talks is to inform young people from all backgrounds that being a barrister is a career open to them if they have the necessary aptitude, drive and commitment.

Youth and Community

Chambers provides a strong team of bar­ris­ter stu­dent men­tors to sup­port school and col­lege stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Cit­i­zen­ship Foundation’s ‘Bar National Mock Trial Com­pe­ti­tions’. We see this as a pos­i­tive ini­tia­tive designed to edu­cate and to encour­age access to the Bar for all.

Our clerks and Members of Chambers provide support and kit for the Centre Sport Football Club, a Sunday League Group located in South London. We follow their progress up the Sunday League with interest and offer visits to Chambers for those interested in how the law works.

National Deaf Children’s Society

As part of our Disability Awareness plan Chambers undertaken to sponsor the National Deaf Children’s Society for the year commencing 2013.