

Respon­si­ble for the day-to-day run­ning of Cham­bers, Gary has been clerk­ing for 40 years and was for­merly clerk to the great Edmund Law­son QC. He brings with him a highly pro­fes­sional approach and ser­vice to our pro­fes­sional clients. He is used to deal­ing with a wide range of clien­tele and has been praised for his excel­lent judge­ment in pro­vid­ing the right bar­ris­ter for a given case. Gary has a com­pre­hen­sive and in-depth knowl­edge of every mem­ber of cham­bers and their prac­tice which, when cou­pled with his ‘can do’ approach, makes for a friendly, pro­fes­sional, and effi­cient ser­vice. He is widely praised for his enthu­si­asm and his friendly and approach­able nature.