33 Bedford Row Chambers and Old Square Chambers members gave talks at the 1st The Law Friends Society 'London Civil Litigation Conference' on Tuesday 22 October 2019.
The event, which sold out, was held at London Conway Hall Conference Centre, Holborn between 9:00 am and 4:15 pm.
Attendees heard talks from:
(1) Austen Morgan - 33 Bedford Row Chambers - Litigating Brexit: The UK Constitution 2016-2019
(2) Alexander Adamou - - 33 Bedford Row Chambers - Part 36 Offers
(3) Oliver Isaacs - Old Square Chambers Chambers - Non Disclosure Arrangements
(4) Crispin Hayhoe - 33 Bedford Row Chambers - Child Maintenance Service
(5) Hammad Baig - 33 Bedford Row Chambers - Tax litigation and appeals to the tax tribunal
(6) Simon Hill - 33 Bedford Row Chambers - Setting Aside Business Rates Liability Orders
For further information about The Law Friends Society, click here.
For a Tweet for the event, click here.