33 Bedford Row was delighted to host a free Family Law Seminar event on 10.11.16 between 5:45 pm and 7:45 pm (welcome drinks from 5.15pm)
The event, which took place at Lecture Theatre – Atkin Building, The City Law School, 4 Gray’s Inn Place. WC1R 5DX, was followed by drinks and refreshments in chambers.
The talks were:
- Public Law Update
- Family Matters and the Human Rights: Case Studies from Ireland's Past
- Private Law Update
- Are parents presumed to be the best?
- Revenge Porn, a 'Family' matter?
To download a flyer for the event, click here.
2 -3 CPD points were available.
33 Bedford Row Chambers will be hosting similar events in future. To be notified of such events please email either the clerks at clerks@33bedfordrow.co.uk or Gayle Bisbey g.bisbey@33bedfordrow.co.uk.
Family Team: Joanna Dodson QC, Richard Clough, Constance Whippman, Noah Weiniger, Jenny Boswell, Melanie Nazareth, Timothy Becker, Fiona Munro, Deborah Bryan, Deborah Seitler, Ishrat Mahmud, Renata Jurenko, Austen Morgan, Simon Hill, Gayle Bisbey, Elizabeth Nartey, Sandra Eze, Clive Redley, Maeve O’Rourke, Aysha Miah, Ann May and Misbah Zahid.