Jamil Mohammed, UK Pegasus Scholarship recipient 2021, hosted a breakfast gathering on behalf inviting the holders of 2022 United States Temple Bar Scholarships and 2022 Pegasus Scholarships US to chambers.
A year on from the first time hosting this event, the objective was to have an open discussion sharing anecdotes and experiences relating to our shared common law heritage and ethical standards over breakfast.
The Temple Bar Scholars included those who have provided clerking duties, legal research and support, a number of Supreme Court and Appellate Court Judges. The Pegasus scholars are all gifted advocates with outstanding CV’s who have been selected to take part in this highly prestigious exchange of talent.
Jamil - [when speaking about the event] “Last year I expressed the importance of welcoming the exchanged learning between our foreign counterparts, this year I double down on it.”.
We look forward to welcoming past and future guests of this prestigious programme very soon.

Pictured [from left to right]:
1. Jamil Mohammed, Barrister, Pegasus Scholar 2021
2. Adeel Mohammadi, Temple Bar Scholar 2022
3. Constance Whippman, Barrister - Head of Chambers Emeritus 33 Bedford Row,
4. Zachary Tyree, Temple Bar Scholar 2022
5. Caroline Merck, Pegasus Scholar 2022
6. Annie Prossnitz, Temple Bar Scholar 2022
7. Louis J. Capozzi III, Temple Bar Scholar 2022
[Also in attendance, but not photographed: Françoise N. Djoukeng, Temple Bar Scholar 2022 and Jayme Weber, Pegasus Scholar 2022].