Martin Davis

  • Year of Call 2010




Martin has an established practice in Private Law and Financial matters. He is known for his attention to detail, thorough preparation and excellent client care. Martin is direct access approved.


Private law

Martin is well versed in cases involving individuals who are often facing a range of legal problems, such as applications for Occupation Orders, Transfers of Tenancies, and Fact-Finding hearings in respect of domestic violence. Martin is well known for his sensitive handling of difficult cases - often for highly vulnerable clients.


Financial remedies

Martin regularly receives instructions in all aspects of matrimonial finance, includin pension disputes, financial provision, Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989 and TOLATA cases.


Prior to coming to the Bar, Martin has had the advantage of working in-house as a Senior Lawyer for a large Local Authority taking on countless cases demanding a comprehensive knowledge of commercial property law, including disrepair (liability and quantum), Housing Law, Environmental protection, service charge disputes, possessions, tenancy succession, trespass, anti-social behaviour orders and committals. He also advised the Local Authority in all aspects of licensing law.

Martin has vast experience of working alongside professional and lay clients to ensure that their needs are met and communicated effectively to the relevant tribunal. Martin always strives to provide clients with thorough, honest, and effective representation with a view to obtaining the best results possible.





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