Kerrie is a family law barrister, specialising in children work.
Care & Supervision
Care & Supervision
Kerrie is a specialist family practitioner with extensive experience in public law children cases. Kerrie’s depth of experience in this area means that she is sought out for the most serious abuse cases.
Kerrie provides high quality advice and representation. Her experience in care proceedings means that she is extremely knowledgeable about the relevant law and procedure. Kerrie quickly identifies the relevant issues and is thus able to advise realistically about the potential outcome. Kerrie is fiercely committed to her work and is a strong advocate for her clients.
Kerrie’s has wide experience of representing parents, relatives, local authorities & children through their guardians. Kerrie is consulted in cases concerning issues of the utmost gravity such as serious and sustained non-accidental injury, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and severe neglect.
Kerrie is experienced at dealing with vulnerable parties and in preparing for hearings with that in mind. She is used to managing proceedings involving a large number of parties, particularly long and detailed fact-finding hearings.
Notable Cases
Notable Cases
Re X (Child: Deprivation of Liberty: Lack of Placement) [2023] EWHC 3415 (Fam)
Kent County Council v A,B,C and D (Children: Weight to be attached to evidence of child after flawed ABE interviews) (Rev 1) [2017] EWFC B72 (01 March 2017)
P-K Children [2017] EWCA Civ 965 - Appeal against findings made in 2009 of non-accidental injury
Re M (A Child: failure to comply with Achieving Best Evidence) [2014] EWFC B141 (27 October 2014)
Re A (A Child - Care Proceedings: Local Authority Practice) [2013] EWHC B45 (Fam) (05 December 2013)
Education and Training
Education and Training
Inns of Court School of Law, Very Competent
LLB Hons, First Class, University of Birmingham
Awards & Prizes
Awards & Prizes
The Mary McMurray Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn
English Speaking Union Scholar, The Hutchison School, Memphis, Tennessee