Melanie Nazareth

  • Year of Call 1984


Instruct Melanie



Melanie is a specialist family practitioner and advocate who has practised at the Bar for over 30 years. She has appeared in the Family Courts and the High Court dealing with all aspects of family law and child protection, including complex care and public law cases, adoption and wardship proceedings. She has extensive experience in the High Court and Principal Registry where she represents local authorities, guardians (CAFCASS) and family members. She appears in cases where there are complex issues including expert medical and psychiatric evidence. She is known for her sensitive handling cases where there are mental health issues and her clients value her compassionate approach to difficult situations.

Melanie advises and represents parties including vulnerable adult clients in the Court of Protection.  

Melanie is known for her long-standing interest in all aspects of child protection and safeguarding issues. She provides safeguarding advice to voluntary organisations and works with a steering group looking at how the public and private sector can work together to implement and enrich Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). 

Notable Cases


