Richard Buswell

  • Year of Call 1985


Instruct Richard



Richard began his career as a common law barrister practising in crime, insolvency and family. Later, giving up crime, his work included public law children care cases, personal injury and clinical negligence claims. Subsequently, he focused on financial remedy cases and professional negligence (solicitors and barristers in family cases).

In 2003 he became an accredited civil mediator, training with the team from ADR Chambers, led by the highly regarded mediator and arbitrator, Allan J. Stitt.

His wide legal experience has ranged from successfully securing libel damages from the BBC for a businessman with a worldwide reputation to fending off substantial claims by a litigation lender in a consumer credit setting.

His professional negligence practice is almost exclusively related to solicitors’ and barristers’ liability, predominently in family cases.

His family law work is principally financial remedy applications and civil intervener claims. It includes financial claims for children (Schedule 1 cases) and Part III 1984 Act applications. He undertakes inheritance disputes (having previously mediated many of these claims) and drafts pre-nuptial and cohabitation agreements (including those with an international element).

His accepts instructions in civil and regulatory cases and has a special interest in trustee-beneficiary disputes and contempt of court.

Professional Negligence

Family Finance & Property

Professional Associations