

Instruct Us

Seminars and workshops 

Many of our barristers across our five practice groups share their specialist knowledge by giving lectures, workshops and seminars (see list of events below).

We frequently host seminars accredited for continuing professional development (CPD) here at 33 Bedford Row or at City Law School in Gray's Inn to varied audiences of solicitors and other professionals who instruct us. Our barristers also regularly speak at seminars and lectures organised by professional associations or commercial providers of CPD.

To find out more about our current seminar programme and to get an idea of the topics we can cover, please browse our upcoming and past events listed below. 

Junior seminar programme

Our junior barristers have developed a highly commended series of workshops specifically tailored to junior solicitors. The Junior seminars have been very popular and are delivered at 33 Bedford Row, or in-house for our clients.

Find out more about our J2J programme.

In-house training

Our barristers are periodically invited to provide in-house CPD accredited training for individual firms.

If there is enough interest within your organisation, we can provide seminars tailored to your specific needs. In addition, our barristers are also happy to co-host seminars or workshops with you and your clients.  

Contact us

For further information about our seminar programme and topics our barristers are able to provide in-house lectures on, please contact our clerks on 0207 242 6476.