In the matter of Vater v Kent Chief Constable of Kent, Alex Lawson instructed by Robson & Co. Solicitors represented the appellant, who had had his firearms licence revoked following an alleged incident of domestic violence.
In giving Judgement, His Honour Judge Lazarus, sitting with two magistrates in the civil jurisdiction of the Crown Court stated that he was of no doubt that had the allegations of domestic abuse been found proved, the licence should have been revoked. However that the evidence was insufficient to conclude on the Balance of Probabilities that they had occurred. Nor that as indicated by the relevant Home Office Guidance, that following submissions by Counsel, that there was any evidence of “domestic turmoil.” Consequently the appeal against revocation was successful, allowing the appellant to return to his employment which requires a firearms licence. There was insufficient evidence to show that the appellant represented any danger or risk to public safety or the peace.