Professor Stephen Hardy

  • Year of Call 2005



Stephen is Professor of Employment Law and the Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Politics at the University of Hull with over 25 years experience in HE. His expertise is in: TUPE; dismissals; discrimination; trade union litigation; and, judicial review.

Stephen graduated from UCL in Law in 1993 (LLB (Hons)) and thereafter, gained a PhD (Law) in 1997 on TUPE, and he was called to the Bar of England and Wales by Lincolns Inn in 2005. He practised until 2014, during which time he had been appointed Attorney General's Regional Counsel, Preferred Panel Counsel of the EHRC and acted in landmark cases, such as  USDAW v. Woolworths [2012]; Greenwood v. NWF Ltd [2011]; Bateman v. ASDA Stores Ltd; [2010]; Remploy Ltd; v. Shaw [2009]; and, Oakland v. Wellswood (Yorkshire) Ltd; [2009]. He is a former General Editor of Sweet and Maxwell's Encyclopedia on Employment and the current Editor of McMullen's Business Transfers and Employee Rights.  

Since 2011 he has been a fee-paid Tribunal Judge and a Member of the Judicial Pensions Board. Law. He is currently the Honorary Treasurer of the UK's Society of Legal Scholars and a Board Governor of the International Association of Law Schools.