Roman Poplawski

  • Year of Call 1989




Roman is a bilingual barrister admitted to practice both in the UK and Poland. Born in the UK, he graduated from Birmingham University and was called to the UK Bar in 1989 and was admitted to practice in Poland in 2018. He has a  deep knowledge of both the English and Polish legal systems. His practice covers various areas of civil litigation, which include matters involving trusts, probate, copyright and land issues. His expertise extends to Polish-related civil litigation, including probate and general procedural advice on comparative law issues including residence, domicile and jurisdiction. 

Roman undertakes all types of civil procedure hearings including directions hearings, C&CMC hearings, interim applications, applications for summary judgment/strike-out, relief from sanctions and security for costs as well as enforcement hearings.

During his more than 25 years of professional practice, Roman spent nine years in Poland working on many privatisation and restructuring projects. He has also translated and annotated the Polish Commercial Code into English. Roman has represented private individuals (Polish and English) as well as large commercial entities both in Poland and the UK. Recently, Roman has been advising large corporates on their commercial and strategic operations at Polish Port terminals in the Gdansk/Gdynia areas.

Earlier in his career, Roman was engaged by KPMG in Poland to assist in the restructuring and profiling of its legal practice (KLegal). He also served as Legal Counsel to Wardynski & Partners servicing foreign clients investing in Poland. In 2015 Roman was instructed to obtain charitable trust status for a Polish educational trust that had failed because of the Equality Act 2010.

Roman heads the 33 Bedford Row Poland Desk.

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