Paul Williams

  • Year of Call 1990




Paul has an extensive leading junior practice with over 20 years' continuous experience at the Bar. He has successfully led in a number of large and complex trials involving organised crime. He regularly appears for the defence in serious fraud, drug conspiracies and murder cases. His ability to present complex financial evidence and issues to a jury in readily understandable terms ensures that he is always in demand. He is skilled in appearing in the Court of Appeal taking on matters relating to both sentence and conviction if it appears a case has gone wrong at trial level.   

He has experience in representing clients through the intricacies of the Criminal Cases Review Commission. He leaves no stone unturned on behalf of clients.  

Paul has many years’ experience of confiscation litigation which has evolved over the last two decades through statute and case law into the current Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA). Paul has extensive experience of "super grass" trials, including being involved in the first acquittal in the long-running series of long trials where the chief prosecution witness was the super grass Michael Michaels at the high security Crown Court at Woolwich. 

Many of Paul's cases involve an international element and cross-border frauds, for example, R v B, a multi-handed fraud involving organised crime by defendants from Ukraine and involving over £6.9 million in repayments and R v H, a mas­sive inter­na­tional iden­tity fraud involv­ing Eastern Euro­pean defen­dants. 

Paul is a capable advocate with a proven track record of presenting complex evidence to juries in terms that are easily understandable. He is known for commitment to defending those accused of crime and fully understands the impact of allegations on those accused.  

Paul is noted for his ability to represent clients who have special challenges in the form of learning disabilities or infirmities related to mental or psychological impairment.  


Notable Cases


Direct Access